
Consolidating and securing branches/trees


There are various types of consolidation.

This consists in anchoring limbs that are considered unsafe further to a careful analysis of the entire tree, using tie rods made of synthetic material, to consolidate them dynamically and statically (horizontal) or via retention (vertical).

Dynamic consolidation: 

This consists in connecting several branches together and allowing them to move as they grow.

Static consolidation:

This consists in consolidating slightly broken sections so that they remain stable.

Support consolidation:

This consists in securing branches or limbs in the event of a breakage so that they can freely hang without the risk of causing harm or damage to people and the property. Consolidation is also used to protect recently planted trees. These techniques are mainly used on monumental trees where pruning is not sufficient in order to protect the surrounding environment (in the case of tree decay, cavities, dangerous tree forks, etc.)